December, 2002
There is more at OPEN MIC ENCORE I The Love Poems.
Up-dated December 2, 2002
My Letters to the world
Neal Green
My poems are like my letters to the world.
Which one day will be read by every man, woman, boy, and girl.
Then everyone would see a different side of me.
Which comes out when ever I write my poetry.
Each poem explains my thoughts and basically how I feel.
I write about things around me, so what I write about is real.
I write about things that I go through day by day.
That way I will never run out things to say
One day my poems will be read by every man, women, boy, and girl
Because to me, my poem are like my letters to the world
Mysterium, Ode to Paul Wellstone
Philip William Samsa
Mount not far off marching boots!
Hail not the unctuous, Texan princes!
Born dry, resolute, and smiling lot
Vain hearts, presumed new order.
Farewell Liberty's dove, die and spit unsung
Hello unwelcome Legion, veiled multitude and count
Our bastard spawn, public apostles, ministers aloof
Cousins to our slothful slumber.
Where is our trumpet, our solitary soldier?
Fallen on a dark wood, frozen forever?
O solid stone! pitched from a sunless sky
He cast thee to the well, never to be drawn again?
Lift knee, scale elected wall,
Set foot upon his rock, sure step
As he who strode twelve times with us,
Must we with him declare:
Nevermore to such unmindful sleep,
Much more than we can see,
A brother's stumble to prevent
Is our sweet Liberty!
habits clog the air. lacking
a brush i gesso
with my palette knife a board,
now glist'ning black in the gloom.
Cate Espener
IT is a small space
( ) ( -----
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0-*(....)000+0*---0, shhh, listen.
Yongmei Xiao
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But you are simply read as china
A piece of earth
Shaped, painted, hardened, fired
For daily use and decoration
And very vulnerable to strikes
Goodbye Summer
Beth Peters
It's getting colder--
Now we're dressing warmer--
And I'm fighting it.
The Million Reasons John Lost His Hair
John Karpov
Sit back and I´ll tell you a tale
but please don´t interrupt
About a little jellyfish boy
who smoked his father´s pot
Now here we go I told you so
Now I´ve lost the plot
Chimney this and chimney that
My brain is full of alley cats
Driven mad by black belt bats
Me, the lousy rotten rat
Now I have to tell you why
We can always have the right
To riddle with the facts of life
I am going out of line
Midnight, Wandering Lost
by James Quiton
wandering lost
drifting without
i touch the night air
and following the rolling mist
No beauty in perfection
Cole Burger
a glass of happy with a shot of sad
a blender of good, and an ounce of bad
pour me a high pint, top it with low foam
feed me some sugar cream, poured in a salty cone
a sensual model, with a mole upon her face
the next mona lisa, kept in a tinted case
a perfect family portrait, with a thumb off to the side
sand castle taj mahal, twenty minutes from the tide
write the world's great novel, and leave some words mispelled
deal yourself a royal flush, and others see your tell
record setting long jump, right foot was on the line
platinum rolex on the wrist, wishing you could tell time.
Selfless Faith
Sean Russ
My voice quiet now, as I begin to let go of myself, and allow Your hand to
take mine and walk me through the fear of nothingness.
Where are You taking me? (My mind asks a simple yet complex question.)
My fear comes from the midst of myself, as I begin to allow Faith to take
Where are You taking me?
Father where are You taking me?
Do not ask questions in which you already have the answer.
Let go and trust Me, I feel inside myself.
Everything great and mighty will take place if I do let go, but only if I do
let go.
Let go and I will be given everything, I feel constantly.
Let go and everything complete, and whole that exists will fill me.
How difficult it is for me to give myself up though.
If I gained the whole world I would have nothing, for it is all nothing.
I would be empty, for all that this temporal world is, is emptiness.
Give up this world, give up myself, and give up everything that I seemingly
am, and I will be given everything complete, and whole that exists.
It is so paradoxical to understand, but in and with Faith does all paradoxes
All that we cannot understand in this world, lies in the mysteries of Faith
and Love.
So, now I step out in Faith, and I allow the Love of the Beloved to take me,
where this will take me however mysterious, I am not fearful.
BY Ginna M. Taylor
Seen of men as only eyes can see, knowing one day they shall not see. Seen of
God who's all knowing eye. seen of the heart, the heart doeth not lie. Seen
cloven as beasts, seen around the throne. Each eyes spun about, glory they
shone. Seen of angels, mocked of men. Seen as the forgotten, seen as sin. Amiss
thou would'est but declare a scene. Alas! foolish heart thou has surely SEEN.
By Voncia Crosby
As I looked at this woman from across the room
I could smell her sweet cologne of aspiration.
She had sadness in her eyes from distance ties that depressed her
Inner being. A Humble mind is what I’m seeing.
I couldn’t keep my eyes off her flawless skin of perfection…
As she stared back in my direction, I tried to hide my persistent stare that
was overwhelmed by her demanding glare…
Of attention…did I mention?
She was beautiful all most exotic?
Ebony hair and slender waist, cinnamon eyes on a nutmeg face,
I was taken by surprise to the tears in her eyes…
Her heart calls out for
Love and her hands called out for rest. She works hard I can see, independent
like me…
But misunderstood by everyone that could, be possibly blessed to have entered
the mess… That she calls her life...
Branded by her past and charmed by the mask of deceitful men…She yelled
again…She called out for another chance to end the circumstance…
So I concealed my eyes to hide from the confusing deception…the slow flowing
glance…of my own reflection.
Dream of a Goddess
Ramesh Dohan
The marble temple stood
majestic and fallen
Vine covered pillars
hide the secrets
of the naked gods
Serenity and Disorder
shimmering in the night
The sudden rush
of grey doves in the air
Reveal the altar
of the goddess
All cracked apart
I have come upon here
The splendor
of ancient ruins
To learn the disappearance
of Uma
Alan Gilbert
My heart is like a cold and dark lagoon,
Sulky leviathans and sad fish swim,
Near the surface of my eyes colored grim,
Among old memories, broken and strewn;
The waters are cold and heavy as dread,
Relics dressed in sea weed, yellow and green,
Sit on ancient haunches looking serene,
But these waters are best left to the dead;
Still every once in a while something stirs,
And the rippling waters move near my eyes,
I tell myself a lagoon never cries,
It just conceals sad and ancient whispers;
And I covet the pacific ocean,
With its golden sands and warm emotion.
From the red book I call home
A street grey and gloomy in Sunshine Peaks
Where previous friends lived
Who let it be known we were not alone
Where everything on lawnscapes is like dusty dew
And did you have that feeling once?
That you were a threat to sight and sound
And you couldn't bend the pipeline you were welding in
All at the same time
All of the sane minds were misplaced
So we couldn't gather with even a trace
Of all that we were, are, and will ever be
This walk out of Sunshine Peaks was a bit unfitting for me
Because I just couldn't fill out a form
And if you could just fill out a from
Of all the movies that we've mourned to
And if you could just fill out a form
To match us up with all the same moments that we've mourned to
Maybe then we would match it up right
And maybe then everything would be all fine again
Brett Lewandowski
Anah Berry
Notes are here, notes are there
Notes are just about everywhere.
Some you read and some you hear,
Some obscure, some crystal clear.
Little circles, some with tails,
Upward, downward leading trails.
Little sheets all shapes and sizes
Some are trash, and some win prizes.
Notes bring smiles, notes bring tears
They bring memories from the years.
Grave, absurd, near or remote,
Life; dependant on a note.
Alone With My Ghosts
Bill Albright
Riding night herd is a lonely time
Sittin, waitin for relief when I can climb
Into my bedroll to catch a few winks.
Until then, I’ll just sit asaddle ‘nd think
About what I love, my regrets, the good and bad
Of the laughs, the tears, and a lot of the sad.
Leavin home at 15, ridin the express mail
Learnin the best route is stickin to the trail,
Bein alert, with a tight cinch and loose rein
Guardin the pouch, makin a quick change
Which is what soon came about
When trains and tickers put us out.
Hardy boys, seekin a new range
In a territory which was plumb strange
For ridin, not herdin was our game
Watchin cows would bring us no fame
So here I sit, many moons have past
Nothin I did ever seemed to last,
Movin like the cows I watch
A slow hand, never topnotch
No spread, no woman, no young’un,
Freezin in winter, bakin in the sun,
Still good at ridin, but awful butt sore,
Bettin my poke, hopin for more
Than these ghosts every night.
I’m gonna move on, see new sights.
Hey, cow where you goin’
Get back in the herd, you can’t win
Neither can I, or so it seems
Thanks be, that I still have dreams
So not now, but some day,
I’ll just up and ride away.
My thoughts are a pouring river of you,
That flows from the highest peak.
Your presence is a strong vibration,
Clanging symbols can’t even compare.
You’re my secret that I keep,
Deep inside of my beating heart.
I never know how you feel about me,
They’re so unclear.
But my feelings are the same.
One minute your hot the next cold,
One minute I’m relaxed the next shy,
One minute we’re best pals the next strangers.
But when your hot, when I’m relaxed,
And when we’re best pals everything changes.
Together we’re like a rushing river of emotions, Flowing together for the
same destination.
Every memory inviting,
And boundless like an ocean.
Like an undiscovered spring,
Just like sweet water.
Carmen Fox
In praise of diversity
We seek consensus
as we probe for connections.
We cling together
and as birds of a feather,
sing praise to diversity
Delana Whitis
At last,
Though journey has ended,
Gave birth to many moons,
Seduced another day anew.
It seems the birds no longer sing,
As the sun,
No longer breaks the day.
My dreams remain,
As memories,
Envious of history.
You walk,
With doomsday in your hand,
A journey unforgiving,
Yet you seem tranquil.
Our demons still among us,
We race,
To heavenly relief,
As we still stand,
Godzilla to the aftermath,
And pardoned by the gods,
At last.
Hard To Tell
Legends and Stories
And Songs about people, I don’t know.
Words and opinions,
And magic phrases, Like because he loved me so.
Simple ideas,
And colorful paintings, Cities long since dead.
Men with conviction,
Son of perdition, And something I just read.
If I started today it’d be hard to tell the story of
What you did with sand and water.
No lightning strikes or death defying water walks
Small voices, still from above
Raised hands,
Undying conviction, Lights shining down on the stage.
Joy Shouts
Sea of agreeing, I’m looking for keys to the cage.
Jeff Johnson
Lighted Way
Christopher Pike
I turn to see the shore.
The lights are all shining,
the sea men are all sleeping.
Among the waves I spot
a lone boat careening
through the mad sea.
On the hill to the right
is the little lighthouse.
But the boat is too small
to spot the shore.
No matter how bright the light,
the captain cannot find his
way to the shore.
21 Guns Salute
Lisandro Infante
...under scrutiny, the soldiers discovered
the subversiveness behind my intentions, the
prudent plots beneath the foolish rubbish of
rebellion- the rest is lies, and torture. the
obviation of my feelings were the worst, and
my only response was to emulate their faces-
those gruesome, distorted masses with eyes
peering aimlessly. monetary means were eliminated,
cause this is mainly concerning power-pure power
not even the ideal of perfection. this is a form
of misdirection-and in my scheduled death I am
re-made into a rumor of hypocrisy. told everything
known and unknown, pushed into sanity, and then
shattered back through the glass of the populated
slums-into insanity. And I think I hear gunshots
filling the air saluting my attempt to rise.
Alice Woods
You are meaningless
But to the stars that
Call your name and beg
You to join them yet
Again for a brother
Meeting in which you
Laugh at the night who
Shadows the thousands
who are not worthy of
You and your gang of
Beautiful counterfeits.
For a moment he struggled and breathed his last
All pains vanished and he felt floating in the mist
Perils, gains and agonies all left behind
He entered the beautiful misery-free world
Standing in the garden of the Lord
In the garment of light enfurled
He thought of the world he had left behind
The world of endless fights, caste, creed and greed
From there he could see down below there
His kith and kin and all those people there
Still fighting for more wealth and power
None of which will come with them to the world here
He wished to speak to them a word or two
Advise them how to live a life full of love
Enjoy the life the Lord has given to live
That all are equal and children of Lord
But I have no voice to reach them there
Helplessly I watch the fire on earth glare
All ’cause man’s thoughtless behaviour
And all in vain for the few who prayer and prayer
The One Who Never Came
Mark Tomlinson
Where she walks the shadows walk
as if she leads the way,
heralding the darkness at the ending of each day.
A lonely, love-lorn lady
withered by the flame,
and waiting through the centuries
for one who never came.
All she can remember is the promise that he made,
that he would take to be his bride
this lovely gentle maid.
To her his words meant everything;
to him they were a game.
Yet still she waits to hear the voice
of one who never came.
Like a drifting cloud of woe
she wanders through the night
passing through the empty home
that once was quick and bright.
The endless hope that drives her on
leaves little room for shame.
She still believes some night will bring
the one who never came.
The Silent War
Ian Joseph Dooley
I hear the words unspoken
I see the seals all broken
The time has come
Thy will be done
With a gun or golden token
The time has come to fight
There's demons loose on the land tonight
And there's much to lose
You could be killed or accused
Will you sacrifice for what is right
I've heard screams choked down to sighs
I've seen truth stomped into lies
I've seen a presidents greed
And a criminal freed
But still few have opened their eyes
So who's that man with the pleasant smile
The man with the power to beguile
There's a war being fought
For our minds and our thought
While we march off to our own exile
The waves cradled me
like being on a crescent moon
oscillating and gyrating
till it brakes into small sounds
till it brakes into small waves
broken moon
broken home
broken me
broken waves
broken waves broken waves
unknown waves
known waves
changing waves
new waves
my home is in the waves now
the waves are in my home.
"The one eyed man sees depth by movement"
D. Maynard
If you seek a sympathetic ear
Seek no further.
The candle in the sacristy
Bears mute witness
The happy advocate leans
Leering to hear you.
Look no further.
The candle is out.
The lack of response is a response.
Look no further.
It is not here.
Dear Javier,
How's life up there? Is it treating you well?
Is it better then down here? I hope it's not like hell.
You died at nineteen with one bullet to your head,
Your own friend did it, in my eyes he’s the one that's dead.
For you see, your soul lives on and watches over me.
And it takes care of your girl, your mom and your son can't you see.
Even though you’re gone your spirit is still here.
So when I walk down the streets alone, I have no fear.
I live life with the wisdom you used to give me everyday
With that and my mind I know I'll be ok.
For your words, though strange, were always true.
And every time I spoke to you my skies went from gray to blue.
I heard junior say "daddy" to your picture yesterday.
I can't wait 'till he sees you again, but for now that's on delay.
Until that day comes when you're united with him,
I'll make sure the light bulb in his head doesn't stay dim.
I'll see to it that his mind doesn't stay narrow or straight.
That he's open to changes and chooses the right mate.
That he chooses the right path and learns from his mistakes;
So his life, like yours, some idiot won't take.
Your mom is depressed 'cause you're not here,
But she'll be alright, she just needs to shed those tears.
Your girl is stressed with junior, work and school.
If only, I wish, your life wasn't taken from a fool.
Your friend got twenty years for shooting you with a gun.
Now... his life won't be so much fun.
But that's not enough, I wish he could die so I won't see his face
But all that would do is keep killing our race.
Why can't he leave, because a friend like you is so rare.
Just like your wise words say, life just isn't fair.
I know everything will be fine, but it hurts to know you won't come back.
But knowledge of life is something I will not lack.
In this world I've lost my very best friend.
But I will live life strong until I see you again.
May your soul Rest In Peace.
* * * LIFE'S QUESTIONS * * *
By: Gary L Gustafson II, ( Madd Poet )
Time has come and time has gone,
leaving behind it's riddles of life for us to explore.
We try the key in every door,
only to find there is still one more.
What answers will we find?
Just more questions every time.
and the sun also rises for the diversified
left over,
running over mindset
in preprogrammed
Oriana, where are you?
Jack, where are you?
Noam, where are you?
New Millennium Scientific Trust
[Christian Knight]
Torn out the frame is the name of the game. They say the genius' are the crazy
ones that don't need all the cells in their brain. Seratonin, dopamine, and
some active endorphins fly around like birds that flock together. Taking in
all these artificial feelings brings us to a time to remember. There's nothing
like taking a journey down a road of fantasy and stopped time. If one can't
tell most of these ramblings have to do with metaphysical notions taking place
in my mind. There's a belief in existence of an existence parallel to us. A
place where everything has developed in our new millennium scientific trust.
Travel to this existence is shown on our sci fi television channels; but if
ideas create notions why can't we travel through light reflected on solar
panels. If an idea exists in perfect reality it must be true. Similar to being
ignorant to what we don't know but we can see the sky is blue. The only
comparison that can be made is government conspiracies hidden from the !
public. Like in this world they say what feels really good is bad for us even
though we never stop loving it. Facing these thoughts brings stress and
anxiety to the point where the heart wants to pop. Inside the body calm and
collective sensations occur despite tossing and turning will never stop. Maybe
someday the mind will be put to rest when society stops worrying and turns off
the T.V. Times are harder now but I remember as a child I saw pleasant things
as an adult I'll never again see.
Yellow Flowers and Happy Days #2
Darrel L. Conklin
they will all die
they had there fun
its my turn to make 'em cry
i like my white meat well done
he said that he was my friend
he and the others were on top
but know there life has come to an end
i hear the snort of a cop
its time to get up outta here
killing them was a blast
now its time to drink a beer
and now they can kiss my @ss
There once was a dad,
that was getting really mad,
that was making his wife sad,
because their kids were acting bad.
So the kids started to sing,
and made his ears ring,
so mom had to spring,
and stop it with a ding.
Off went the bell,
that made it so swell,
even a skunk couldn't smell,
how it would end up well.
They made a debate,
it lasted real late,
they couldn't personate,
and they all locked the gate.
Their relationships are now fine,
they never cross the line,
no more people more divine,
I am glad they are not mine.
Stephen Heninger
"Dead light"
-Pablo Isaac Perez
Today is the day
that we'll climb to the skies
the sun will go down before wide open eyes
then dark night will come and invite us to rise.
Arise, let's crawl through the clouds and towards the edge of the skies
leaving behind all the echoing cries
that come from this world and all of it's lies
Arise, let's race through the clouds and towards the edge of the skies
come with me, let's go to that strange place were light dims and dies.
I can sit in the dark of night
and listen in pure delight to
the nocturnal portion of the day
the night time
the right time
the time when I crawl out my hole to play
Now come with me and you will see strange things which are unknown
these thing they seem to be alive and mourning for their very own
All is different in this strange place
barren lands I call my own
Darkened skies and seas of blood
a black hole stands where a sun once shone
and every one here is
evenly high
slightly blown
and delicately stoned.
this is my song of misery and these are my words of pain
listen now to the melody and listen to the rain.
"Nihilist Gregorian"
David Meekins
Your love is conceited, your trademark is defeated
as the decades roll like thunder past the
legacies of yore
The olives are twisting, and you're only existing
by sucking on the milk of privilege 'til
you're twenty-four
The wine has fermented, and no one's repented
guilty pleasures of your fathers burning
crosses on my door
You killed God, you christians, you crucified the victims
embers smoldering on acres raped, a rotting
open sore
There are many things in this world that we are given
And only a few we really appreciate
How many times were you given the chance to humble yourself and refused?
How long would it be that you realize that there is no life without him?
There are only a few who understand and try to achieve the greatness given
Are you one of the chosen?
Are you part of the great power that wills you?
Are you giving your all that is needed?
Once you answer yes
Make sure you think hard and look at your surroundings and than answer the
question again you were given
Can you honestly face him and speak the truth?
And tell him you are fully ready with your heart, your mind and your soul
But remember there things never belong to us in the beginning
They were only being borrowed.....
Tanisha Ellis
"Buckle Fishery
Michael Helsem
In this figure
Where the small annotations ran from a buckle fishery
It is a voltage
In burned welts, saying
I love you
Still, when I go there
I find only two gray stoves,
And, lying between them,
A dead blabber the comb of sleet.
It lies askew on its wisps,
Its thug bent back as if at the helmet of some juggler too great
To bear to give.
And the limbos are going out
In a fastener, evolution
Stands, in a gray frugality, silent, at the far signature
of a radiance's gremlin.
I see a view beyond the window,
A blaze of orange, red and yellow,
The air is cool as i sit an gaze,
Upon the pond beyond the blaze,
The blaze is wide and far along,
The shoreline of my pretty pond.
I see a swinging seat,
Of someone just departed,
I see a young girl walking to the pond,
And lay down a tiny creature for a swim,
I'm fond of that young girl,
For she is my friend.
And as i call out i wonder,
Reason she is here,
Then it finally hits me,
It's autumn turning winter,
She's here for the snow,
And of course the family reunion.
Michelle Hiltunen
Black and White Rainbow
by Elisa L. Rubio
The white sun breaks free of the massive black clouds
Revealing an ashen grey sky
and a black and white rainbow
A young girl sings that mournful song
Seeming to long for a world that she's seen in visions that have come to her
in dreams
She closes her eyes and hot tears squeeze through
running down her pale face
After a minute her eyes open hopefully
wishing her dream has come true
but sighs resignedly when she looks up at the sky-
At that black and white rainbow.
by: Jose Percival Vasquez
If you should fall from the sky-
The stars will catch you with a net
And lay you in a soft bed to feel
The moon's sweet and cool caress.
If you should fall in the black-blue sea-
Black for it's threat, blue for it's depth
The sharks themselves will protect you, the
Mermaids will guide you, no aquarian could harm you.
If you should be lost in a jungle-
The snakes would lead your way out,
The tigers and jackals would befriend you,
The trees and fairies there will care for you.
If you should be fired several bullets from a gun-
Those bullets will turn into petals of roses, beads
Of jasmine so that you may smell it's scent because
I have prayed to the King of Angels for your deliverance.
"I want to be an engine driver"
- By David Mace
“I want to be an engine driver”, Stephen told his mum,
and anyone else who happened by as he sat and sucked his thumb
and dreamt of all the times ahead, when he would be the guy
who’d sound the mournful whistle as the engine rattled by.
Now Stephen lived with his mum and his dad, in a cottage by the sea
And if he’d been good, and chopped all the wood then his friend could come
round to tea, and the pair of them sat at the window, betting on droplets of
rain, awaiting the six thirty whistle that signalled the six twenty train
Now you’ll wonder no doubt, how this story turns out, whether Stephen
develops his dreams
But my friends gathered here, just lend me an ear, and I’ll tell you
it’s not what it seems
For one Winter’s day, Stephen went out to play by the railway, and did
something bad
He played on the track now he’s not coming back, a lesson to all of us
here, not to venture too close to the dreams we love most, lest they fill us
with dread and with fear.
With the trains having gone, and his parents passed on, Stephen’s cottage
stands lonely and stark
I passed there last year, and I swear I could hear, incredibly close in the
dark, a train rattling by,
But we all know that I couldn’t possibly see running late, at six twenty
nine, on that ghostly train line, young Stephen at last, on the plate.
Once upon a Christmas Eve
Once upon a Christmas Eve and all throughout the land,
a silence crept upon the earth, withstood by every man.
There were no voices speaking, no one to ask of why,
nations unite in rhythm, as the stars begin to rise.
The air is thick with silence, as the rhythm makes its way
across the land, across the sea, the world begins to sway.
Hypnotized in motion, yet balanced by their need,
deafened by the silence, continued through the Eve.
Every thought acknowledged, every tear combined,
as nations rose above the grief, it transformed a new mankind.
Repression replaced with freedom, hate replaced with pride,
anger replaced with kindness, as the mass stood side by side.
Daylight pierces quickly as the silent rhythm fades
Peace becomes triumph in the dawn of Christmas day.
Merry Christmas Everyone.
Poems copyright ©
designated authors 2002.
Page Copyright © 2002.

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